Define a template with five panels. The TDEF statement defines a template named NEWTEMP, and places it in the previously defined template catalog. Each definition identifies the panel number, and specifies the four corner's coordinates. The COLOR= option draws a border for each panel in the specified color.
tdef newtemp des="Five panel template" Panel 1: Lower Left Quadrant 1/llx=0 lly=10 ulx=0 uly=50 urx=50 ury=50 lrx=50 lry=10 color=navy Panel 2: Upper Left Quadrant 2/llx=0 lly=50 ulx=0 uly=90 urx=50 ury=90 lrx=50 lry=50 color=lime Panel 3: Upper Right Quadrant 3/llx=50 lly=50 ulx=50 uly=90 urx=100 ury=90 lrx=100 lry=50 color=yellow Panel 4: Lower Right Quadrant 4/llx=50 lly=10 ulx=50 uly=50 urx=100 ury=50 lrx=100 lry=10 color=cyan Panel 5: Container for Title and Panels 1-4 5/llx=0 lly=0 ulx=0 uly=100 urx=100 ury=100 lrx=100 lry=0 color=lipk;