TrueType Fonts That Are Supplied by SAS

SAS/GRAPH installs and registers a set of TrueType fonts, that are referred to collectively as system fonts. You can use these fonts in your SAS programs by assigning the font name to font options, enclosed in quotes. For example, you can specify the following:
goptions ftext="Thorndale AMT";
TrueType fonts that are shipped with SAS are listed in the following table. See TrueType Fonts Supplied by SAS in SAS Language Reference: Concepts for additional information.
TrueType Fonts Supplied by SAS
Albany AMT1
Cumberland AMT1
Thorndale AMT1
Symbol MT
Monotype Sorts2
Monotype Sans WT J3
Monotype Sans WT K3
Monotype Sans WT SC3
Monotype Sans WT TC3
Thorndale Duospace WT J3
Thorndale Duospace WT K3
Thorndale Duospace WT SC3
Thorndale Duospace WT TC3
Arial Symbol14
Times New Roman Symbol14
MS Gothic
MS PMincho
MS Mincho
MS PGothic
MS UI Gothic
SAS Monotype
SAS Monotype Bold
1Albany AMT, Cumberland AMT, Thorndale AMT, Arial Symbol, and Times New Roman Symbol are font families. Normal, bold, italic, and bold italic versions of these fonts are provided.
2SAS Monotype Sorts is an ornamental font consisting of shapes, symbols, and decorative glyphs that have no one-to-one mapping to Microsoft TrueType or Adobe Type1 fonts. However, the SAS Monotype Sorts font closely resembles "Wingdings" TrueType (from Microsoft) and "ITC Zapf Dingbats" Type1 fonts (from Adobe).
3Thorndale Duospace WT and Monotype Sans WT, support HKSCS (Hong Kong Supplemental Character Set) characters and substantially support the GB18030 standard.
4These fonts have special glyphs for the Latin characters 0, <. =, C, D, L, M, N, P, R, S, U, V ,W, X, Z, and a-z. All other characters are undefined and might be rendered as a rectangle. For example, in the HTML destination, the rectangle is replaced with the matching Latin1 character when it is displayed in Internet Explorer.
5HeiT, MingLiU, and PMingLiu support HKSCS2004 (Hong Kong Supplemental Character Set) characters.