Specifies the color index of the color used to draw lines
Operating state: GKOP, SGOP, WSAC, WSOP
Default: 1


return-code-variable=GSET('LINCOLOR', color-index);

Required Argument

numeric constant or numeric variable name; indicates the index of the color to use. Valid values are 1 to 256, inclusive.

Return Codes

This function returns:


The GSET('LINCOLOR', . . . ) function selects the index of the color used to draw lines. The aspect source flag (ASF) for LINCOLOR must be set to 'INDIVIDUAL' for this attribute to be used outside of a line bundle.
DSGI searches for a color specification in the following order:
  1. the color specified for the index in a GSET('COLREP', . . . ) function
  2. the nth color in the color list of the COLORS= graphics option
  3. the nth color in the device's default color list found in the device entry.