Finds the maximum display area size
Operating state: GKOP, SGOP, WSAC, WSOP


CALL GASK ('MAXDISP', units, x-dim, y-dim, x-pixels, y-pixels, return-code-variable);

Required Arguments

numeric variable name; returns a 1 to show that x-dim and y-dim are in meters.
numeric variable name; returns the dimension, in meters, in the x direction.
numeric variable name; returns the dimension, in meters, in the y direction.
numeric variable name; returns the number of pixels in the x direction.
numeric variable name; returns the number of pixels in the y direction.
numeric variable name; returns the return code of the routine call, which can be 0 or 8. See Return Codes for DSGI Routines and Functions.


The GASK('MAXDISP', . . . ) routine returns the dimensions of the maximum display area for the device. This routine is useful when you need to know the maximum display area in order to determine the aspect ratio or to scale a graph.
There is a difference between the maximum display size returned when the operating state is not SGOP and when it is SGOP. The full addressable display area is returned when the operating state is not SGOP. The display area, minus room for titles and footnotes, is returned when the operating state is SGOP.