Finds the style of the fill area when FILTYPE is PATTERN or HATCH
Operating state: GKOP, SGOP, WSAC, WSOP


CALL GASK('FILSTYLE', style-index, return-code-variable);

Required Arguments

numeric variable name; returns the index of the fill pattern associated with the bundle. See the Style Index Table for the interior styles represented by style-index.
numeric variable name; returns the return code of the routine call, which can be 0 or 8. See Return Codes for DSGI Routines and Functions.


The GASK('FILSTYLE', . . . ) routine returns the current fill style of the interior when FILTYPE is PATTERN or HATCH. If no fill style has been previously selected with the GSET('FILSTYLE', . . . ) function, GASK('FILSTYLE', . . . ) returns the default value, 1.