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The output data set specified in the OUTSTAT= option of the PROC CASECONTROL statement contains the following variables for each marker:

  • the BY variables, if any

  • Locus

  • the counts of genotyped individuals for the two values of the TRAIT variable: NumTrait1 and NumTrait2 , where 1 and 2 are replaced by the values of the TRAIT variable

  • the odds ratio AlleleOddsRatio and its confidence limits LowerCL and UpperCL if the OR option is used

  • the chi-square statistic for each test performed: ChiSqAllele, ChiSqGenotype, and ChiSqTrend

  • the degrees of freedom for each test performed: dfAllele, dfGenotype, and dfTrend

  • the -value for each test performed: ProbAllele, ProbGenotype, and ProbTrend

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