New Features In SAS Theme Designer 3.4 for Flex

In the 3.4 release, SAS Theme Designer 3.4 for Flex provides enhanced functionality with several new features in the User Interface Components pane:
  • The application banner contains a new option, Highlight opacity. You can set the opacity for the top and bottom of the gradient, and adjust the highlight opacity for the banner.
  • The Toolbar option enables you to modify the color for toolbars in the theme, and adjust the opacity for the color. This feature was introduced in the 3.3 Release but not documented.
  • The Window Shade option enables you to modify colors, specify opacity, and select colors for various aspects of the header text in a window shade. This feature was introduced in the 3.3 Release but not documented.
  • When users transition from one application to another within a suite of applications, they can be presented with a custom splash screen with a static image or an animation. The Splash screen option enables you to browse and select a SWF image or animation file and select a background color for the custom splash screen. Only SWF files are supported. For example, you can create and deploy a transitional custom splash screen for SAS Visual Analytics. When users transition from one application interface to another one in SAS Visual Analytics, the custom splash screen is displayed during the transition.
Here are the additional new features in this release:
  • Any valid theme that is in the correct format can be imported, including themes that were exported without a .tdf extension.
  • Filenames for themes and images loaded into themes can include spaces, characters, numbers, and underscores. The use of a $ sign in a filename is not supported. This feature was introduced in the 3.3 Release but not documented.
  • The toolbar contains a new icon for deploying a theme. When clicked, the theme is deployed.