Apply a Theme for Flex Applications Used by the Administrator

SAS Theme Designer for Flex supports the selection of a different theme within the application, and the display of this theme for all Flex applications that are used by the administrator. As an administrator, you might be using several Flex applications in the SAS environment. If you want to use a theme other than the default theme for all of these applications, you can log on to each application, select Filethen selectPreferences , and then select the theme that you want for that application. Alternatively, you can select a different theme from within SAS Theme Designer for Flex, and this change is applied to all Flex applications that you use.
To apply a different theme to all of the Flex applications that you use, follow these steps:
  1. From the main menu of SAS Theme Designer 4.1 for Flex, select Filethen selectPreferences.
  2. In the Global Preferences dialog box, select the theme from the drop-down menu for Theme, and click OK.
    The selected theme is applied to SAS Theme Designer for Flex and all other Flex applications that you use.