generic-options ::= "{" OPTIONS ["("] generic-option-list [")"] "}"
generic-option-list ::= generic-option[ {"," generic-option} ... ]
generic-option ::= option-name [ {option-value | option-list} ]
option-list ::= "(" option-value [ {"," option-value} ... ] ")"
option-value ::= quoted-identifier
ALTER SCHEMA "catalog1_BASE"."schema3_BASE" {OPTIONS add conopts (LOCKTABLE SHARE)}
alter-generic-options ::= "{" OPTIONS ["("] alter-generic-option-list [")"] "}"
alter-generic-option-list ::= alter-generic-option [ {"," alter-generic-option} ... ]
alter-generic-option ::= [alter-operation ]option-name [ {option-value |option-list } ]
alter-operation ::= ADD | SET | XSET | DROP
Indicates the required action for the specified options. If a value is omitted for alter-operation, ADD is the default modifier. The possible values are:
Adds the specified option.
Changes an option that already exists.
Sets the option if it has already been added. Otherwise, adds the option if it does not already exist.
Drops the specified option.