Federation Server (FEDSVR) Driver Reference

About the Federation Server Driver

The Federation Server driver (FEDSVR) enables you to define a connection from one SAS Federation Server to another SAS Federation Server. This connectivity can be useful for distributing workload or to federate data between various federation servers. To use the driver, you must first create a data service. The data service definition can include a remote DSN, which restricts access on the remote federation server to that of the DSN. If you do not include a DSN in the data service definition, the data service connects to all of the data services available on the remote federation server. In this scenario, you can create data service DSNs to access specific remote DSNs on the remote federation server. For additional information, see the CREATE DATA SERVICE in Appendix 1.
Note: When working with FedSQL views, note that views cannot be created, modified, and subsequently cached, if you are using a remote SAS Federation Server that is connecting with a SAS Federation Server data service. You should create and cache these views from a local SAS Federation Server only. FedSQL views should also be administered on a local SAS Federation Server (for example, changing a view from definer’s rights to invoker’s rights).

Connection Options

The following connection options are supported for the Federation Server driver.
Required. Specifies the driver for connection to a SAS Federation Server from another SAS Federation Server.
Specifies the protocol for the connection. At this time, BRIDGE is the only option and is the default.
Required. Specifies the port number of the SAS Federation Server that you are connecting to. There is no default port number associated with this option. Therefore, PORT must be specified.
Required. Specifies the connection string to be passed to the federation server (for example, CONOPTS=(DSN=mydsn)).
Optional. Specifies the proxy information needed to connect with an HTTP proxy. When specifying the HTTP proxy, you must use the encoded characters, %2F in place of a forward slash (for example, http:%2F%2Fsaveferris.com).
Optional. Specifies a proxy with a URI instead of using the PROXYLIST option. If using both the URI and PROXYLIST options, URI takes precedence and overrides PROXYLIST.
Optional. Specifies a name from the services file as an alternative to port. The services file is located in /etc/services on UNIX, and c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services on Windows.
Required. Specifies the name of the SAS Federation Server that you are connecting to.
Required. Specifies the user ID that is used for connection to the SAS Federation Server.
Required. Specifies the password associated with the user ID that is used for connection to the SAS Federation Server.
Specifies a symbolic name for the client connecting to the SAS Federation Server. Use APPLICATION NAME to associate a client with records in SQL logging. This option corresponds to an entry of X{Client.AppName} in the SQL Logging configuration file.
Note: If APPLICATION NAME is not specified on the connection string, the driver should pass on the current setting from the App.Name option specified in the server’s configuration file.
This example demonstrates how to create a data service for the FEDSVR driver: CREATE DATA SERVICE remote_fed_server TYPE FEDSVR DOMAIN D76586 REGISTER () VALIDATE YES {OPTIONS ADD CONOPTS (PORT '1234', SERVER 'D76586', DRIVER 'FEDSVR', CONOPTS (DSN OracleShared) )}
Here is an example connection string that uses some of the options presented in the table above: DRIVER=FEDSVR;SERVER=FedServer1;PORT=1234;UID=user_name;PWD=password;CONOPTS=(DSN=mydsn).
Last updated: March 6, 2018