ENCODING= Table Option

Specifies the encoding to use when creating a SAS data set.

Category: Table Control
Data source: SAS data set




specifies an encoding value.

See “Encoding for NLS” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide


SAS data sets are created with the session encoding by default. You can specify a different encoding for a new table by using the ENCODING= table option. ENCODING= is supported for input only. You cannot change the encoding of an existing table temporarily by specifying ENCODING= in the SELECT statement. Likewise, you cannot change the encoding of an existing table permanently by specifying it in the UPDATE statement.
Specify the ENCODING= table option in the CREATE TABLE statement before the columns are defined. Here is an example:
create table test {options encoding=ebcdic1145} (x char(8));
The ENCODING= table option is not supported with CREATE TABLE AS. If you specify the table option with CREATE TABLE AS, you get an error. The requested table will be created, but it will use the session encoding. However, if you use CREATE TABLE AS to insert an existing table that has an encoding specified into a new table that has no encoding specified , then the new table will have the encoding of the inserted table. For example, the following request creates table Test2 with the encoding ebcdic1145 Spain (EBCDIC), which is the encoding used by table Test.
create table test2 as select * from test;
Last updated: February 23, 2017