Benefits of FedSQL

FedSQL provides many benefits if you are working in an environment in which you need more features than are provided in the SQL procedure.
  • FedSQL conforms to the ANSI SQL:1999 core standard. This conformance allows it to process queries in its own language and the native languages of other data sources that conform to the standard.
  • FedSQL supports many more data types than previous SAS SQL implementations. Traditional data source access through SAS/ACCESS translates target data source data types to and from two legacy SAS data types, which are SAS numeric and SAS character. When FedSQL connects to a data source, the language matches or translates the target data source’s definition to these data types, as appropriate, which allows greater precision. Supported data types are described in Data Types.
  • FedSQL handles federated queries. With the traditional DATA step or the SQL procedure, a SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME engine can access only the data of its intended data source.
  • The FedSQL language can create data in any of the supported data sources, even if the target data source is not represented in a query. This enables you to store data in the data source that most closely meets the needs of your application.
Last updated: February 23, 2017