REUSE= Table Option

Specifies whether new rows can be written to freed space in a compressed SAS data set.

Category: Table Control
Restriction: Use with output data sets only
Data source: SAS data set





does not track and reuse space in a compressed SAS data set. New rows are appended to the existing data set. Specifying NO results in less efficient data storage if you delete or update many rows in the data set.


tracks and reuses space in a compressed SAS data set. New rows are inserted in the space that is freed when other rows are updated or deleted.

If you plan to use operations that add rows to the end of a compressed data set, use REUSE=NO. REUSE=YES causes new rows to be added wherever there is space in the file, not necessarily at the end of the file.


By default, new rows are appended to an existing compressed data set. If you want to track and reuse free space by deleting or updating other rows, use the REUSE= table option when you create a compressed SAS data set.
The REUSE= table option has meaning only when you are creating a new data set with the COMPRESS=YES option. Using the REUSE= table option when you are accessing an existing SAS data set has no effect.
Last updated: February 23, 2017