TD_TPT_OPER= Table Option

Specifies the load operator that is used by the Teradata Parallel Transporter.

Category: Bulk Loading
Requirement: Must be specified with the BULKOPTS= Table Option
Data source: Teradata


TD_TPT_OPER= operator



Specifies the load operator that the Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT) uses to load data. Valid values are LOAD, STREAM, or UPDATE.

LOAD specifies the Load operator, which inserts into an empty table. This is the fastest of the load operators.
STREAM specifies the Stream operator. It can be used to insert rows into empty Teradata tables or append to existing tables. The Stream operator is used by default when the TD_TPT_OPER= table option is not specified.
UPDATE specifies the Update operator, which inserts into existing tables. The Update operator is faster than the Stream operator.


When BULKLOAD=YES is specified, the Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT) is used to load data. TPT jobs are run using operators. These are discrete object-oriented modules that perform specific extraction, loading, and updating processes.
To obtain the best performance when the Update operator is used, it is recommended that you drop all unique secondary indexes, foreign key references, and join indexes onto target tables before the load.
The Teradata server supports a maximum of 16 concurrent utility slots. The Stream operator does not take up a utility slot. The Load and Update operators do take up a slot.
Last updated: February 23, 2017