FedSQL Statement Table Option Syntax

Specify a FedSQL statement table option immediately after the table name, within braces (that is, { }) and including the keyword OPTIONS. To specify several table options, separate them with spaces or commas.
While specifying the syntax for table options, you cannot have a space between the left brace { and the OPTIONS keyword. A space results in a syntax error.
For example, this statement is correct:
create table temp {options dbcreate_table_opts='primary index(b)'}
(a int, b int);
The following statement, however, is incorrect and results in an error message:
create table temp { options dbcreate_table_opts='primary index(b)'}
(a int, b int);
{OPTIONS option-1=value [… option-n=value]}
These examples show table options in FedSQL statements:
create table salary {options encrypt=yes read=green};

select * from salary {options read=green};
Last updated: February 23, 2017