Aggregate Functions

Overview of Aggregate Functions

FedSQL aggregate functions operate on all values for an expression in a table column and return a single result. If the aggregate function is processed in a GROUP BY statement, the aggregate function returns a single result for each group. Null values and SAS missing values are not considered in the operation, except for the COUNT(*) syntax of the COUNT function. The table column that you specify in the function can be any FedSQL expression that evaluates to a column name.
Using the table WorldTemps, the following aggregate function examples operate on the AvgLow table column:
/* Get the average of the average low temperatures  */
select avg(AvgLow) as AvgTemp from worldtemps;

/* Get the number of different average low temperatures */
/* and group them by the average low temperature */
select AvgLow, count(AvgLow) from worldtemps group by AvgLow;

/* Get the highest average low temperature */
select max(AvgLow) from worldtemps;

Calling Base SAS Functions Instead of FedSQL Aggregate Functions

If multiple columns are supplied as arguments to an aggregate function and there is a like-named Base SAS function, the Base SAS function is used. The statistic that is calculated for those arguments is for the current row. The function is no longer considered to be an aggregate function. Some examples are the MIN, MAX, and SUM functions.
If multiple arguments are supplied to an aggregate function and there is no like-named Base SAS function, an error is returned. An example is the AVG function.
Last updated: February 23, 2017