Specifies the number of processes or threads to use when building table objects.

Category: Bulk Loading
Requirement: Must be specified within the BULKOPTS= Table Option
Data source: DB2 under UNIX and PC


BL_CPU_PARALLELISM= number-of-processes-or-threads



specifies the number of processes or threads that the load utility uses to parse, convert, and format data records when building table objects.


This option exploits intrapartition parallelism and significantly improves load performance. It is particularly useful when loading presorted data, because record order in the source data is preserved.
The maximum number that is allowed is 30. If the value is 0 or has not been specified, the load utility selects an intelligent default. This default is based on the number of available CPUs on the system at run time. If there is insufficient memory to support the specified value, the utility adjusts the value.
When BL_CPU_PARALLELISM is greater than 1, the flushing operations are asynchronous, permitting the loader to exploit the CPU. If tables include either LOB or LONG VARCHAR data, parallelism is not supported. The value is set to 1, regardless of the number of system CPUs or the specified value.
Although use of this parameter is not restricted to symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) hardware, you might not obtain any discernible performance benefit from using it in non-SMP environments.
For more information about using BL_CPU_PARALLELISM=, see the CPU_PARALLELISM parameter in IBM DB2 Universal Database Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference.
Last updated: February 23, 2017