What’s New in SAS 9.4 FedSQL Language Reference

Introduction to the FedSQL Language

SAS FedSQL is a SAS proprietary implementation of ANSI SQL:1999 core standard. It provides support for new data types and other ANSI 1999 core compliance features and proprietary extensions. FedSQL provides a scalable, threaded, high-performance way to access, manage, and share relational data in multiple data sources. When possible, FedSQL queries are optimized with multi-threaded algorithms in order to resolve large-scale operations.
For applications, FedSQL provides a common SQL syntax across all data sources. That is, FedSQL is a vendor-neutral SQL dialect that accesses data from various data sources without having to submit queries in the SQL dialect that is specific to the data source. In addition, a single FedSQL query can target data in several data sources and return a single result table.

Documentation Enhancements

If you previously used the FedSQL language with DataFlux Federation Server, SAS FedSQL Language Reference replaces DataFlux Federation Server FedSQL Reference Guide. The FedSQL language is available now for Base SAS users as well as for users of SAS Federation Server.

First Maintenance Release of SAS 9.4

In the first maintenance release of SAS 9.4, the following functionality was added to the FedSQL language:
  • Support for Memory Data Store (MDS), SAP HANA, and SASHDAT data sources.
  • Rename table and rename column functionality in the ALTER TABLE statement. See ALTER TABLE Statement.
The documentation was enhanced to include the following:

Second Maintenance Release of SAS 9.4

In the second maintenance release of SAS 9.4, the following functionality was added to the FedSQL language: