The Alert
Center page provides a deployment-wide view of alerts
and alert definitions.
The default view of
the Alert Center is the Alerts tab, which
displays a table with information about currently active alerts. You
can use the filter controls to filter by criteria such as status,
type, and priority. Clicking on an entry in the Alert
Definition column in the table displays detailed information
about the alert.
To access the
Center, select
Alert Center.
You can select the check
box next to an alert and click Fixed to identify
the problem as having been corrected. A window appears that enables
you to enter information about the how the alert was resolved.
You can also click an
entry in the Alert Definition column in the
table to display the Detail page for the
alert. From the Detail page, you can mark
the alert as fixed and specify information about the resolution of
the alert.
The Definition tab
in the Alert Center contains a table listing
all of the defined alerts. Clicking on an alert takes you to the definition
page for the alert, where you can view more detailed information or
edit the alert.