Add a Row-Level Permission Condition

To limit Read access to rows in a LASR table:
  1. Click the Authorization tab, and then click Open Authorization Information for a LASR table. Click the Basic tab.
  2. In the Read column, click the cell for the identity that you want to assign the condition to and select Conditional grant from the list.
    Note: If the identity is not already listed, click the plus icon at the right edge of the table to add the identity.
    Note: If Conditional grant is already selected, a condition already exists. Select Conditional grant to view or update the condition.
  3. In the New Permission Condition window, create a condition that specifies which rows the identity can see.
  4. Click OK. The cell contains the conditional grant icon conditional grant icon with an explicit control indicator explicit indicator icon.
  5. If you set a permission for a group, review the impact on the other listed identities. Constraints that you add for a group can affect access for all members of that group.
  6. Save your changes.
Last updated: February 22, 2018