What’s New in SAS/ETS 14.1

COUNTREG Procedure

The following features have been added to the COUNTREG procedure:

  • The following Bayesian analysis features have been added:

    • harmonic mean evaluation of the marginal likelihood to compare competing models (this estimator does not require additional simulations after the posterior samples have been obtained)

    • evaluation of the marginal likelihood using an importance sampling algorithm based on the cross-entropy theory (this estimator requires additional importance sampling simulations after the posterior samples have been obtained)

  • The TEST statement has been added.

  • Spatial lag models have been added, enabling you to include spatial effects in a model. The SPATIALEFFECTS, SPATIALDISPEFFECTS, and SPATIALZEROEFFECTS statements have been added to allow for spatial effects in the MODEL, DISPMODEL, and ZEROMODEL statements, respectively. In addition, variable selection functionality has been added to the DISPMODEL, SPATIALEFFECTS, SPATIALDISPEFFECTS, and SPATIALZEROEFFECTS statements.