Window Reference

Vertical Toolbar View Selection Icons

At the right-hand side of the Time Series Viewer window is a vertical toolbar used to select the kind of plot or table that the Viewer displays.


displays a plot of series values over time.


displays plots of the sample autocorrelations, partial autocorrelation, and inverse autocorrelation functions for the series, with lines overlaid at plus and minus two standard errors.

White Noise and Stationarity Tests

displays horizontal bar charts that represent results of white noise and stationarity tests. The first bar chart shows the significance probability of the Ljung-Box chi-square statistic computed on autocorrelations up to the given lag. Longer bars favor rejection of the null hypothesis that the series is white noise. Click any of the bars to display an interpretation.

The second bar chart shows tests of stationarity, where longer bars favor the conclusion that the series is stationary. Each bar displays the significance probability of the augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test to the given autoregressive lag. Long bars represent higher levels of significance against the null hypothesis that the series contains a unit root. For seasonal data, a third bar chart appears for seasonal root tests. Click any of the bars to display an interpretation.

Data Table

displays a data table containing the values in the input data set.