Controls and Fields

Data Set

is the name of the current input data set.


is the time interval (data frequency) for the input data set.


is the variable name and label of the current time series.

Data Range

is the date of the first and last nonmissing data values available for the current series in the input data set.

Fit Range

is the current period of fit setting. This is the range of data that will be used to fit models to the series. It might be different from the fit ranges shown in the table, which were in effect when the models were fit.

Evaluation Range

is the current period of evaluation setting. This is the range of data that will be used to calculate the goodness-of-fit statistics for models fit to the series. It might be different from the evaluation ranges shown in the table, which were in effect when the models were fit.

View Series Graphically icon

opens the Time Series Viewer window to display plots of the current series.

View Model Graphically icon

opens the Model Viewer to display graphs and tables for the currently highlighted model.