Series Viewer Transformations Window

Use the Series Viewer Transformations window to view plots of transformations of the current series in the Time Series Viewer window. It provides a larger set of transformations than those available from the viewer window’s toolbar. It is invoked by using "Other Transformations" under the Tools menu of the Time Series Viewer window. The options that you specify in this window are applied to the series displayed in the Time Series Viewer window when you select "OK" or "Apply."

Use the Apply button if you want to make repeated transformations to a series without having to close and reopen the Series Viewer Transformations window each time.


Controls and Fields


is the variable name for the current time series.


is the transformation applied to the time series displayed in the Time Series Viewer window. Select Log, Logistic, Square Root, Box-Cox, or none from the pop-up list.

Simple Differencing

is the order of differencing applied to the time series displayed in the Time Series Viewer window. Select a number from 0 to 5 from the pop-up list.

Seasonal Differencing

is the order of seasonal differencing applied to the time series displayed in the Time Series Viewer window. Select a number from 0 to 3 from the pop-up list.

Percent Change

is a check box that if selected displays the series in terms of percent change from the previous period.

Additive Decomposition

is a check box that produces a display of a selected series component derived by using additive decomposition.

Multiplicative Decomposition

is a check box that produces a display of a selected series component derived using multiplicative decomposition.


selects a series component to display when either additive or multiplicative decomposition is turned on. You can display the seasonally adjusted component, the trend-cycle component, the seasonal component, or the irregular component—that is, the residual that remains after removal of the other components. The heading in the viewer window shows which component is currently displayed.


applies the transformation options you selected to the series displayed in the Time Series Viewer window and closes the Series Viewer Transformations window.


closes the Series Viewer Transformations window without changing the series displayed by the Time Series Viewer window.


applies the transformation options you selected to the series displayed in the Time Series Viewer window without closing the Series Viewer Transformations window.


resets the transformation options to their initial values upon entry to the Series Viewer Transformations window.


resets the transformation options to their default values (no transformations).