AR/MA Polynomial Specification Window

Use these windows to specify the autoregressive and moving-average terms in a factored ARIMA model. Access the AR Polynomial Specification window from the Set button next to the Autoregressive term in the Factored ARIMA Model Specification window. Access the MA Polynomial Specification window from the Set button next to the Moving Average term.


Controls and Fields

List of Polynomials

Lists the polynomials that have been specified. Each polynomial is represented by a comma-delimited list of lag values enclosed in parentheses.


Opens the Polynomial Specification window to add a new polynomial to the model.


Opens the Polynomial Specification window to edit a polynomial that has been selected. If no polynomial is selected, this button is unavailable.


Removes a selected polynomial from the list. If none are selected, this button is unavailable.

Remove All

Clears the list of polynomials.

Move Up

Moves a selected polynomial up one position in the list. If no polynomial is selected, or the first one is selected, this button is unavailable.

Move Down

Moves a selected polynomial down one position in the list. If no polynomial is selected, or the last one is selected, this button is unavailable.


Closes the window and returns the specified list of polynomials to the Factored ARIMA Model Specification window.


Closes the window and discards any changes made to the list of polynomials.