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Forecasting Process Details


Akaike, H. (1974), "A New Look at the Statistical Model Identification," IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, AC-19, 716–723.

Aldrin, M. and Damsleth, E. (1989), "Forecasting Nonseasonal Time Series with Missing Observations," Journal of Forecasting, 8, 97–116.

Anderson, T.W. (1971), The Statistical Analysis of Time Series, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Ansley, C. (1979), "An Algorithm for the Exact Likelihood of a Mixed Autoregressive Moving-Average Process," Biometrika, 66, 59.

Ansley, C. and Newbold, P. (1980), "Finite Sample Properties of Estimators for Autoregressive Moving-Average Models," Journal of Econometrics, 13, 159.

Archibald, B.C. (1990), "Parameter Space of the Holt-Winters Model," International Journal of Forecasting, 6, 199–209.

Bartolomei, S.M. and Sweet, A.L. (1989), "A Note on the Comparison of Exponential Smoothing Methods for Forecasting Seasonal Series," International Journal of Forecasting, 5, 111–116.

Bhansali, R.J. (1980), "Autoregressive and Window Estimates of the Inverse Correlation Function," Biometrika, 67, 551–566.

Bowerman, B.L. and O’Connell, R.T. (1979), Time Series and Forecasting: An Applied Approach, North Scituate, Massachusetts: Duxbury Press.

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Box, G.E.P. and Jenkins, G.M. (1976), Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, Revised Edition, San Francisco: Holden-Day.

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Brocklebank, J.C. and Dickey, D.A. (1986), SAS System for Forecasting Time Series, 1986 Edition, Cary, North Carolina: SAS Institute Inc.

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Brown, R.G. and Meyer, R.F. (1961), "The Fundamental Theorem of Exponential Smoothing," Operations Research, 9, 673–685.

Chatfield, C. (1978), "The Holt-Winters Forecasting Procedure," Applied Statistics, 27, 264–279.

Chatfield, C., and Prothero, D.L. (1973), "Box-Jenkins Seasonal Forecasting: Problems in a Case Study," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 136, 295–315.

Chatfield, C. and Yar, M. (1988), "Holt-Winters Forecasting: Some Practical Issues," The Statistician, 37, 129–140.

Chatfield, C. and Yar, M. (1991), "Prediction Intervals for Multiplicative Holt-Winters," International Journal of Forecasting, 7, 31–37.

Cogger, K.O. (1974), "The Optimality of General-Order Exponential Smoothing," Operations Research, 22, 858.

Cox, D. R. (1961), "Prediction by Exponentially Weighted Moving Averages and Related Methods," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 23, 414–422.

Davidson, J. (1981), "Problems with the Estimation of Moving-Average Models," Journal of Econometrics, 16, 295.

Dickey, D. A., and Fuller, W.A. (1979), "Distribution of the Estimators for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74(366), 427–431.

Dickey, D. A., Hasza, D. P., and Fuller, W.A. (1984), "Testing for Unit Roots in Seasonal Time Series," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 79(386), 355–367.

Fair, R.C. (1986), "Evaluating the Predictive Accuracy of Models," in Handbook of Econometrics, Vol. 3., Griliches, Z. and Intriligator, M.D., eds., New York: North Holland.

Fildes, R. (1979), "Quantitative Forecasting—the State of the Art: Extrapolative Models," Journal of Operational Research Society, 30, 691–710.

Fuller, W.A. (1976), Introduction to Statistical Time Series, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Gardner, E.S., Jr. (1984), "The Strange Case of the Lagging Forecasts," Interfaces, 14, 47–50.

Gardner, E.S., Jr. (1985), "Exponential Smoothing: the State of the Art," Journal of Forecasting, 4, 1–38.

Granger, C.W.J. and Newbold, P. (1977), Forecasting Economic Time Series, New York: Academic Press, Inc.

Greene, W.H. (1993), Econometric Analysis, Second Edition, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Hamilton, J. D. (1994), Time Series Analysis, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Harvey, A.C. (1981), Time Series Models, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Harvey, A.C. (1984), "A Unified View of Statistical Forecasting Procedures," Journal of Forecasting, 3, 245–275.

Hopewood, W.S., McKeown, J.C., and Newbold, P. (1984), "Time Series Forecasting Models Involving Power Transformations," Journal of Forecasting, Vol 3, No. 1, 57–61.

Jones, Richard H. (1980), "Maximum Likelihood Fitting of ARMA Models to Time Series with Missing Observations," Technometrics, 22, 389–396.

Judge, G.G., Griffiths, W.E., Hill, R.C., and Lee, T.C. (1980), The Theory and Practice of Econometrics, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Ledolter, J. and Abraham, B. (1984), "Some Comments on the Initialization of Exponential Smoothing," Journal of Forecasting, 3, 79–84.

Ljung, G.M. and Box, G.E.P. (1978), "On a Measure of Lack of Fit in Time Series Models," Biometrika, 65, 297–303.

Makridakis, S., Wheelwright, S.C., and McGee, V.E. (1983), Forecasting: Methods and Applications, Second Edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

McKenzie, Ed (1984), "General Exponential Smoothing and the Equivalent ARMA Process," Journal of Forecasting, 3, 333–344.

McKenzie, Ed (1986), "Error Analysis for Winters’ Additive Seasonal Forecasting System," International Journal of Forecasting, 2, 373–382.

Montgomery, D.C. and Johnson, L.A. (1976), Forecasting and Time Series Analysis, New York: McGraw-Hill.

Morf, M., Sidhu, G.S., and Kailath, T. (1974), "Some New Algorithms for Recursive Estimation on Constant Linear Discrete Time Systems," I.E.E.E. Transactions on Automatic Control, AC-19, 315–323.

Nelson, C.R. (1973), Applied Time Series for Managerial Forecasting, San Francisco: Holden-Day.

Newbold, P. (1981), "Some Recent Developments in Time Series Analysis," International Statistical Review, 49, 53–66.

Newton, H. Joseph and Pagano, Marcello (1983), "The Finite Memory Prediction of Covariance Stationary Time Series," SIAM Journal of Scientific and Statistical Computing, 4, 330–339.

Pankratz, Alan (1983), Forecasting with Univariate Box-Jenkins Models: Concepts and Cases, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Pankratz, Alan (1991), Forecasting with Dynamic Regression Models, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

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Priestly, M.B. (1981), Spectral Analysis and Time Series, Volume 1: Univariate Series, New York: Academic Press, Inc.

Roberts, S.A. (1982), "A General Class of Holt-Winters Type Forecasting Models," Management Science, 28, 808–820.

Schwarz, G. (1978), "Estimating the Dimension of a Model," Annals of Statistics, 6, 461–464.

Sweet, A.L. (1985), "Computing the Variance of the Forecast Error for the Holt-Winters Seasonal Models," Journal of Forecasting, 4, 235–243.

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Yar, M. and Chatfield, C. (1990), "Prediction Intervals for the Holt-Winters Forecasting Procedure," International Journal of Forecasting, 6, 127–137.

Woodfield, T.J. (1987), "Time Series Intervention Analysis Using SAS Software," Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual SAS Users Group International Conference, 331–339. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.

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