Introduction |
Spreadsheet Calculations and Financial Report Generation |
The COMPUTAB procedure generates tabular reports using a programmable data table.
The COMPUTAB procedure is especially useful when you need both the power of a programmable spreadsheet and a report-generation system and you want to set up a program to run in batch mode and generate routine reports. The COMPUTAB procedure includes the following features:
report generation facility for creating tabular reports such as income statements, balance sheets, and other row and column reports for analyzing business or time series data
ability to tailor report format to almost any desired specification
use of the SAS programming language to provide complete control of the calculation and format of each item of the report
ability to report definition in terms of a data table on which programming statements operate
ability for a single reference to a row or column to bring the entire row or column into a calculation
ability to create new rows and columns (such as totals, subtotals, and ratios) with a single programming statement
access to individual table values when needed
built-in features to provide consolidation reports over summarization variables
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