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Date Intervals, Formats, and Functions

Time Intervals

This section provides a reference for the different kinds of time intervals supported by SAS but does not cover how they are used. For an introduction to the use of time intervals see Chapter 3.

Some interval names are used with SAS date values, while other interval names are used with SAS datetime values. The interval names used with SAS date values are YEAR, SEMIYEAR, QTR, MONTH, SEMIMONTH, TENDAY, WEEK, WEEKDAY, DAY, YEARV, R445YR, R454YR, R544YR, R445QTR, R454QTR, R544QTR, R445MON, R454MON, R544MON, and WEEKV. The interval names used with SAS datetime or time values are HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND. Various abbreviations of these names are also allowed, as described in the section Summary of Interval Types.

Interval names for use with SAS date values can be prefixed with 'DT' to construct interval names for use with SAS datetime values. The interval names DTYEAR, DTSEMIYEAR, DTQTR, DTMONTH, DTSEMIMONTH, DTTENDAY, DTWEEK, DTWEEKDAY, DTDAY, DTYEARV, DTR445YR, DTR454YR, DTR544YR, DTR445QTR, DTR454QTR, DTR544QTR, DTR445MON, DTR454MON, DTR544MON, and DTWEEKV are used with SAS datetime or time values.

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