HPPANEL Procedure


The new HPPANEL procedure is a high-performance version of the PANEL procedure in SAS/ETS software, which analyzes a class of linear econometric panel data models.

The HPPANEL procedure provides the following four models:

  • one-way fixed-effects model

  • two-way fixed-effects model

  • one-way random-effects model

  • two-way random-effects model

The following features have been added:

  • The TEST statement performs Wald, Lagrange multiplier, and likelihood ratio tests of linear hypotheses about the regression parameters.

  • You can request the restricted estimator by using the RESTRICT statement.

  • You can request the Hausman (1978) specification test for random effects.

  • For random-effects models, variance components are calculated by using methods described by Fuller and Battese (1974); Wansbeek and Kapteyn (1989); Wallace and Hussain (1969); Nerlove (1971).