The new HPPANEL procedure is a high-performance version of the PANEL procedure in SAS/ETS software, which analyzes a class of linear econometric panel data models.
The HPPANEL procedure provides the following four models:
one-way fixed-effects model
two-way fixed-effects model
one-way random-effects model
two-way random-effects model
The following features have been added:
The TEST statement performs Wald, Lagrange multiplier, and likelihood ratio tests of linear hypotheses about the regression parameters.
You can request the restricted estimator by using the RESTRICT statement.
You can request the Hausman (1978) specification test for random effects.
For random-effects models, variance components are calculated by using methods described by Fuller and Battese (1974); Wansbeek and Kapteyn (1989); Wallace and Hussain (1969); Nerlove (1971).