Macro Variables for Status Handling


The following topics examine the use of macro variables in status handling:
When SAS Data Integration Studio generates the code for a job, the code includes the following macro and macro variables:
  • RCSET: This macro sets the values of the TRANS_RC and JOB_RC variables. Accepts numeric values or autocall macros as parameters. For example, you can pass a numeric value of 9999 to RCSET, using the following syntax:
    You can also pass one of the following autocall macros to RCSET:
    • &syserr — used to set TRANS_RC and JOB_RC for SAS procedures and the SAS DATA STEP.
    • &syslibrc — used to set TRANS_RC and JOB_RC for SAS LIBNAME statements.
    • &sqlrc — used to set TRANS_RC and JOB_RC for the SQL procedure and pass-through statements.
    The syntax is as follows:
  • TRANS_RC: This variable is cleared at the beginning of generated code for each transformation. The RCSET macro resets the TRANS_RC variable after each library assignment statement and after the main generated code for the transformation. If the transformation has more than one processing step, then the TRANS_RC macro is set to the highest value.
  • JOB_RC: This variable is set to 0 at the top of the job. It is not cleared as the code for the job is executed. At the end of the job, the RCSET macro sets the JOB_RC variable to the highest return code value of the entire job.

Example: Macro Variables for Status Handling in Generated Code

Suppose that you created a simple job in which a SAS table named ADVERSE is loaded into another SAS table named ADVERSE2. There is a one-to-one mapping of columns from ADVERSE to ADVERSE2. SAS Data Integration Studio generates the following code for this job. Note how the status handling macro and macro variables are used.
* Name: Simple Load Job
* Description: Code generated for Server SASMain
* Generated: Tue Jun 29 13:29:09 EDT 2008
/* This is the setup required to capture the transformation return code */
%let JOB_RC=0;
%let TRANS_RC=0;
%global SQLRC;
%global SYSERR;

%macro RCSET(error);
%if (&error gt &TRANS_RC) %then
%let TRANS_RC=&error;
%if (&error gt &JOB_RC) %then
%let JOB_RC=&error;
%mend RCSET;

%let TRANS_RC=0;

* Access the data for Test_lib
LIBNAME testlib BASE "C:\sources\test";


%let SYSLAST=%nrquote(testlib."ADVERSE"n);

* Name: Loader
* Description: Codegen
* Generated: Tue Jun 29 13:29:09 EDT 2008
%let SYSOPT=;

%global DBXRC;
%global DWNUMIDX;
%global DBXLAST;
%let DBXRC=-1;
%let DWNUMIDX=-1;

* Description: Define load data macro
* Generated: Tue Jun 29 13:29:09 EDT 2008
%macro dbwaload;

/* Determine if the target table exists */
%let DBXRC = %sysfunc(exist(testlib."ADVERSE_SORTED"n, DATA));

%if &DBXRC>0 %then
%do; /* if table exists*/

* Name: Truncate
* Description: Truncate a table
* Generated: Tue Jun 29 13:29:09 EDT 2008
%put NOTE: Truncating table ...;

/* get the constraints from the table */
proc contents data = testlib."ADVERSE_SORTED"n
out2 = work.etls_constraints

/* get the number of constraints (number of rows) */
%let etl_numRows = 0;
%let etl_dsid=%sysfunc(open(work.etls_constraints));
%if (&etl_dsid gt 0) %then
%let etl_numRows = %sysfunc(attrn(&etl_dsid, NOBS));
%let etl_dsid = %sysfunc(close(&etl_dsid));

%let etl_primaryKey = NO;

%if (&etl_numRows gt 0) %then
%do; /* table has constraints */

/* determine if another table has a foreign key that points to this table */
data work.etls_constraints;
set work.etls_constraints;
type = upcase(type);
if (type eq "REFERENTIAL") then
call symput("etl_primaryKey", "YES");

/* delete any indexes that are created by another constraint */
if (type eq "INDEX" and ICOwn eq "YES") then

%end; /* table has constraints */

%if (&etl_primaryKey eq YES) %then
%do; /* table has primary key and referential constraints */

data _null_;
put "WARNING: Because the target table has referential integrity "
constraint(s), an attempt will be made to truncate the table using "
the 'delete&039: statement in sql. This procedure may fail if the "
constraints are violated. Note that if the procedure is successful,
the rows will only be logically deleted, not physically deleted.";

/* logically delete all the records from the table */
proc sql;
delete * from testlib."ADVERSE_SORTED"n;


%end; /* table has primary key and referential constraints */

%do; /* table does not have a primary key and referential constraints */

%if (&etl_numRows gt 0) %then
%do; /* table has constraints */

/* delete the constraints from the table */
proc datasets lib=testlib nolist;
ic delete _all_;

%end; /* table has constraints */

/* physically delete all the records from the table */
data testlib."ADVERSE_SORTED"n;
set testlib."ADVERSE_SORTED"n;


%if (&etl_numRows gt 0) %then
%do; /* table has constraints */

/* recreate the constraints on the table */
data _null_;

set work.etls_constraints end=eof;

if _n_ eq 1 then
call execute("proc datasets lib=testlib nolist;");
call execute(& modify "ADVERSE_SORTED"n;');

call execute(" " || recreate);

if eof then
call execute("quit;");



%end; /* table has constraints */

%end; /* table does not have a primary key and referential constraints */

%put NOTE: Deleting work.etls_constraints...;
proc datasets lib=work nolist nowarn memtype=(data view);
delete etls_constraints;

%end; /* if table exists*/

* Name: Create Table
* Description: Create a new table
* Generated: Tue Jun 29 13:29:09 EDT 2008
%if &DBXRC=0 %then
%do; /* if table does not exist*/

%put NOTE: Creating table ...;

data testlib."ADVERSE_SORTED"n
attrib "aedecod"n length=$21 format=$F21. informat=$F21.
label="AE Decode from Dictionary";
attrib "subjid"n length=8 format=BEST12. informat=F12.
label="Subject ID";
attrib "studyid"n length=$8 format=$F8. informat=$F8.
label="Study ID";
attrib "trtgrp"n length=$8 format=$F8. informat=$F8.
label="Treatment Group";
attrib "bodysys"n length=$20
label="Body System";
attrib "aesev"n length=$10
attrib "aeout"n length=$15< br> label="Outcome";


%end; /* if table does not exist*/

%let sqlrc = 0;
* Name: Append
* Description: Append new data
* Generated: Tue Jun 29 13:29:09 EDT 2008
%put NOTE: Appending data ...;

proc append base=testlib."ADVERSE_SORTED"n
data=&DBXLAST (&SYSOPT) force;

%mend dbwaload;

* Description: Execute load data macro
* Generated: Tue Jun 29 13:29:09 EDT 2008

Macro Variables for Status Handling in User-Written Code

You can add the RCSET macro and the TRANS_RC and JOB_RC variables to user-written code, such as the code for the User Written Code transformations and generated transformations. Use the preceding example as a model for your code.
Last updated: January 16, 2018