You can use SAS Web
Report Studio or the SAS Stored Process Server to display pre-built
reports for multiple jobs that were executed on a batch server. The
information for these reports is captured in server logs on at run
time, using SAS Application Resource Monitoring (ARM) capabilities.
ARM correlates the job with the hardware that it is being run on,
so that memory use and I/O can be captured and tagged to a specific
job. Performance records are combined with error messages, warnings,
table names, and other information to allow for complete, drillable
reporting on historical job performance and problems.
For example, you can
use cube-based reports in SAS Web Report Studio to track outlier executions
of a job down to the specific, offending job step. You can use summary
and detailed reports to quickly diagnose problems without having to
traverse multiple log files by hand. Detailed reports of job-steps
support stringent historical auditing of data sources and targets.