SAS Data Integration Studio provides four specific transformations
to load data. Although most data-related transformations load data
into temporary SAS WORK tables, these Loader Transformations are designed
to output to permanent, registered tables (that is, tables that are
available in the Folder or Inventory Tree). Loaders can create and
replace tables and maintain indexes, as do the other transformations.
Loaders can also do updates, appends, and be used to maintain constraints.
Data Integration Studio provides the following transformations for
loading data into permanent output tables:
SCD Type 2 Loader transformation, which loads source data into a dimension
table, detects changes between source and target rows, updates change
tracking columns, and applies generated key values. This transformation
implements slowly changing dimensions. For more information, see
Transformations That Support Slowly Changing Dimensions.
The SPD Server Table Loader transformation reads a source and writes
to an SPD Server target. This transformation is automatically added
to a process flow when an SPD Server table is specified as a source
or as a target. It enables you to specify options that are specific
to SPD Server tables. For more information, see
About the SPD Server Table Loader Transformation.
The Teradata Table Loader transformation
is specifically designed to optimally load Teradata tables. It provides
different load options depending on whether the source table is in
the same Teradata database as the target table or not. For more information,
Teradata Table Loader Transformation.
The Table Loader transformation is
a general loader that reads a source table and writes to a target
table. This transformation can be used to load SAS and most DBMS tables,
as well as Excel spreadsheets. The code generated by this transformation
includes syntax that is specific to the output data type. For more
information, see
About the Table Loader Transformation.
All loader
transformations write to a table that is registered to a library.
For more information about registering tables and libraries, see the
appropriate sections in the "Connecting to Common Data Sources" chapter
of the
SAS Intelligence Platform: Data Administration Guide.