Is the primary (root) enclosing element that contains the definition for the generated output file. The element provides the XML well-formed constraint for the definition.
Restriction: When importing an XML document, the definition can define more than one output SAS data set. When exporting an XML document from a SAS data set, the definition can define only one output XML document.
Requirement: The SXLEMAP element is required.


SXLEMAP version="number" name="XMLMap" description="description"


specifies the version of the XMLMap syntax. The documented XMLMap syntax version is 2.1 and must be specified to obtain full functionality.
Default:The default version is the first version of XMLMap syntax. It is retained for compatibility with prior releases of the XMLMap syntax. It is recommended that you update existing XMLMaps to version 2.1.
Restrictions:The XMLV2 engine nickname supports XMLMap syntax versions 1.2, 1.9, and 2.1. The XMLV2 engine nickname does not support XMLMap versions 1.0 or 1.1.

The XML engine nickname supports XMLMap syntax versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. The XML engine nickname does not support XMLMap syntax versions 1.9 or 2.1.

Tip:To update an XMLMap to version 2.1, load the existing XMLMap into SAS 9.3 XML Mapper, and then save the XMLMap. For information about SAS XML Mapper, see Using SAS XML Mapper to Generate and Update an XMLMap.
is an optional attribute that specifies the filename of the XMLMap.
is an optional attribute that specifies a description of the XMLMap.


In the example below, the SXLEMAP element specifies all three attributes and contains two TABLE elements.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<SXLEMAP version="2.1" name="Myxmlmap" description="sample XMLMap">
    <TABLE name="test1">
    <TABLE name="test2"> 