Specifies the memory space size that the sorting utility can use when sorting values for creating an index.
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS statement, Systems Options window
Default: 32M
Interaction: MEMSIZE=
Engine: SPD Engine only



Required Argument

is the size of memory space in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. If n=0, the sort utility uses its default. The valid value range is from 1,048,576 to 10,736,369,664 bytes.


The SPDEINDEXSORTSIZE= option specifies the maximum amount of memory that can be used when sorting values for creating an index. When indexes are created in parallel (because ASYNCINDEX=YES), the value that you specify in SPDEINDEXSORTSIZE= is divided among all of the concurrent index creation threads.
Perform one of the following if the index creation fails due to insufficient memory:
  • restart SAS with the SAS system option MEMSIZE=0(footnote1)
  • increase the size of the utility file space using the SPDEUTILLOC= system option
You increase the memory space that is used when sorting values for creating an index using the SPDEINDEXSORTSIZE= option. If you specify to create indexes in parallel, specify a large-enough space using the SPDEUTILLOC= system option.
The maximum SPDEINDEXSORTSIZE= value is 10 GB, but this value cannot be honored on host systems that are limited to 2 GB. On host systems that have a 64-bit LONG data type, SPD Engine honors values greater that 2 GB. On hosts systems that have a 32-bit LONG data type, SPD Engine honors only the memory used up to 2 GB. The SPDEINDEXSORTSIZE option value can be set to a larger value, but the larger value is not honored.
Note: You receive a warning in the SAS log when the larger value is not honored and used.
FOOTNOTE 1: for OpenVMS on HP Integrity Servers, increase the paging file quota (PGFLQUO); for z/OS, increase the REGION size.[return]