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block (of data)

a group of observations in a data set. If an application is thread-enabled, it can read, write, and process the observations faster when they are delivered as a block than when they are delivered as individual observations.

compound WHERE expression

a WHERE expression that contains more than one operator, as in WHERE X=1 and Y>3 . See also WHERE expression.


a computer component that manages the interaction between the computer and a peripheral device such as a disk or a RAID. For example, a controller manages data I/O between a CPU and a disk drive. A computer can contain many controllers. A single CPU can command more than one controller, and a single controller can command multiple disks.

CPU-bound application

an application whose performance is constrained by the speed at which computations can be performed on the data. Multiple CPUs and threading technology can alleviate this problem.

data partition

a physical file that contains data and which is part of a collection of physical files of the data component of an SPD Engine data set. See also partition, partitioned data set.

I/O-bound application

an application whose performance is constrained by the speed at which data can be delivered for processing. Multiple CPUs, partitioned I/O, threading technology, RAID (redundant array of independent disks) technology, or a combination can alleviate this problem.

light-weight process thread

a single-threaded subprocess that is created and controlled independently, usually with operating system calls. Multiple light-weight process threads can be active at one time on symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) hardware or in thread-enabled operating systems.


See threading.

parallel I/O

a method of input and output that takes advantage of multiple CPUs and multiple controllers, with multiple disks per controller to read or write data in independent threads.

parallel processing

a method of processing that uses multiple CPUs to process independent threads of an application's computations. See also threading.


part or all of a logical file that spans devices or directories. In the SPD Engine, a partition is one physical file. Data files, index files, and metadata files can all be partitioned, resulting in data partitions, index partitions, and metadata partitions, respectively. Partitioning a file can improve performance for very large data sets. See also data partition, partitioned data set.

partitioned data set

in the SPD Engine, a data set whose data is stored in multiple physical files (partitions) so that it can span storage devices. One or more partitions can be read in parallel by using threads. This method improves the speed of I/O and processing for very large data sets. See also parallel processing, partition, thread.

primary path

the location in which SPD Engine metadata files are stored. The other SPD Engine component files (data files and index files) are stored in separate storage paths in order to take advantage of the performance boost of multiple CPUs.


a functional unit of a program or task. In a thread-enabled operating system, a process can consist of a single thread, or it can contain many threads that collectively perform a complex function. See also thread, thread-enabled operating system.

RAID (redundant array of independent disks)

a type of storage system that consists of many disks and which implements interleaved storage techniques that were developed at the University of California at Berkeley. RAIDs can have several levels. For example, a level-0 RAID combines two or more hard drives into one logical disk drive. Various RAID levels provide various levels of redundancy and storage capability. A RAID provides large amounts of data storage inexpensively. Also, because the same data is stored in different places, I/O operations can overlap, which can result in improved performance. See also redundancy.


a characteristic of computing systems in which multiple interchangeable components are provided in order to minimize the effects of failures, errors, or both. For example, if data is stored redundantly (in a RAID, for example), then if one disk is lost, the data is still available on another disk. See also RAID (redundant array of independent disks).


a term that represents the name of the directory or folder in which SAS is installed at your site or on your computer.


the ability of a software application to function well with little degradation in performance despite changes in the volume of computations or operations that it performs and despite changes in the computing environment. Scalable software is able to take full advantage of increases in computing capability, such as those that are provided by the use of SMP hardware and threaded processing. See also scalable software, server scalability, SMP (symmetric multiprocessing).

Scalable Performance Data Engine

See SPD Engine.

scalable software

software that responds to increased computing capability on SMP hardware in the expected way. For example, if the number of CPUs is increased, the time to solution for a CPU-bound problem decreases by a proportionate amount. And if the throughput of the I/O system is increased, the time to solution for an I/O-bound problem decreases by a proportionate amount. See also server scalability, SMP (symmetric multiprocessing), time to solution.

server scalability

the ability of a server to take advantage of SMP hardware and threaded processing to process multiple client requests simultaneously. That is, the increase in computing capacity that SMP hardware provides increases proportionately the number of transactions that can be processed per unit of time. See also SMP (symmetric multiprocessing), threaded processing.


a hardware and software architecture that can improve the speed of I/O and processing. An SMP computer has multiple CPUs and a thread-enabled operating system. An SMP computer is usually configured with multiple controllers and with multiple disk drives per controller.


to start a process or a process thread such as a light-weight process thread (LWPT). See also thread.

SPD Engine

a SAS engine that is able to deliver data to applications rapidly because it organizes the data into a streamlined file format. The SPD Engine also reads and writes partitioned data sets, which enable it to use multiple CPUs to perform parallel I/O functions. See also parallel I/O.

SPD Engine data file

the data component of an SPD Engine data set. In contrast to SAS data files, SPD Engine data files contain only data; they do not contain metadata. The SPD Engine does not support data views. See also SPD Engine data set.

SPD Engine data set

a data set created by the SPD Engine that has up to four component files: one for data, one for metadata, and two for any indexes. The minimum number of component files is two: data and metadata. Data is separated from the metadata for SPD Engine file organization.

symmetric multiprocessing

See SMP.


a single path of execution of a process in a single CPU, or a basic unit of program execution in a thread-enabled operating system. In an SMP environment, which uses multiple CPUs, multiple threads can be spawned and processed simultaneously. Regardless of whether there is one CPU or many, each thread is an independent flow of control that is scheduled by the operating system. See also SMP (symmetric multiprocessing), thread-enabled operating system, threading.

thread-enabled operating system

an operating system that can coordinate symmetric access by multiple CPUs to a shared main memory space. This coordinated access enables threads from the same process to share data very efficiently.

thread-enabled procedure

a SAS procedure that supports threaded I/O or threaded processing.

threaded I/O

I/O that is performed by multiple threads to increase its speed. For threaded I/O to improve performance significantly, the application that is performing the I/O must be capable of processing the data rapidly as well. See also I/O-bound application.

threaded processing

processing that is performed in multiple threads on multiple CPUs to improve the speed of CPU-bound applications. See also CPU-bound application.


a high-performance method of data I/O or data processing in which the I/O or processing is divided into multiple threads that are executed in parallel. In the boss-worker model of threading, the same code for the I/O or calculation process is executed simultaneously in separate threads on multiple CPUs. In the pipeline model, a process is divided into steps, which are then executed simultaneously in separate threads on multiple CPUs. See also parallel I/O, parallel processing, SMP (symmetric multiprocessing).

time to solution

the elapsed time that is required for completing a task. Time-to-solution measurements are used to compare the performance of software applications in different computing environments. In other words, they can be used to measure scalability. See also scalability.

WHERE expression

a type of SAS expression that specifies a condition for selecting observations for processing by a DATA step or a PROC step. WHERE expressions can contain special operators that are not available in other SAS expressions. WHERE expressions can appear in a WHERE statement, a WHERE= data set option, a WHERE clause, or a WHERE command. See also compound WHERE expression.

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