Creating and Loading SPD Engine Files |
To create a new SPD Engine data set, you can use the DATA step, any PROC statement(footnote 1) with the OUT= option, or PROC SQL with the CREATE TABLE= option.
The following example uses the DATA step to create a new SPD Engine data set, CARDATA.OLD_AUTOS in the report_area directory.
Note: Encryption and compression are mutually exclusive in SPD Engine. You can use the ENCRYPT= option only when you are creating an SPD Engine data file that is not compressed. You cannot create an SPD Engine data set with both encryption and compression.
libname cardata spde '/report_area'; data cardata.old_autos(compress=no encrypt=yes pw=secret); input year $4. @6 manufacturer $12. @18 model $12. @31 body_style $5. @37 engine_liters @42 transmission_type $1. @45 exterior_color $10. @55 mileage @62 condition; datalines; 1966 Ford Mustang conv 3.5 M white 143000 2 1967 Chevrolet Corvair sedan 2.2 M burgundy 70000 3 1975 Volkswagen Beetle 2door 1.8 M yellow 80000 4 1987 BMW 325is 2door 2.5 A black 110000 3 1962 Nash Metropolitan conv 1.3 M red 125000 3 ;
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