Hints and Tips for Using the INFOMAPS Procedure

To improve the performance of the INFOMAPS procedure, consider the following:
  • Use the COLUMN=, HIERARCHY=, or MEASURE= option instead of the EXPRESSION= option in the INSERT DATAITEM statement, unless you have a calculated data item. For more information about the INSERT DATAITEM statement and the COLUMN=, HIERARCHY=, and MEASURE= options, see INSERT DATAITEM Statement.
  • For an information map to use a table, the table must have a unique name in its SAS library (for a SAS table) or database schema (for a table from a different DBMS) in the metadata server. If multiple tables in a SAS library or database schema have the same name, then you must perform one of the following tasks before you can use any of the tables with an information map:
    • From either SAS Data Integration Studio or the Data Library Manager in SAS Management Console, you can rename a table by changing the value in the Name field in the General tab in the properties window for the table.
    • From SAS Data Integration Studio, delete the duplicate tables.
  • To prevent the Java Virtual Machine from running out of memory, break the task of creating an information map into smaller steps instead of using a single step. For example, if you are adding a large number of data items, add the first 100 in one PROC INFOMAPS step. Then add the next 100 in a second PROC INFOMAPS step. The number of items that can be added varies with the memory available to the Java Virtual Machine.