Step 5: Retrieve the Data Associated with the Information Map Using the Information Maps Engine

Now that you have an information map, you can use the Information Maps engine to access the metadata and then retrieve the underlying data. Once you retrieve the data, you can run almost any SAS procedure against it.
The following code retrieves the data associated with the newly created information map:
/* Allow mixed-case letters and blank spaces in information map names. */
option validvarname=any;

/* Use the Information Maps engine to define a libref that retrieves data */
/* from the 'Employee Info' information map created with PROC INFOMAPS.   */
libname HR_Data infomaps mappath="&infomap_path";
Note: Unlike running the INFOMAPS procedure code more than once, if you run the Information Maps engine code multiple times, the output should be the same as what is shown.
Log for the Information Maps Engine LIBNAME Statement
115  /* Allow mixed-case letters and blank spaces in information map names. */
116  option validvarname=any;
118  /* Use the Information Maps engine to define a libref that retrieves data */
119  /* from the 'Employee Info' information map created with PROC INFOMAPS.   */
120  libname HR_Data infomaps mappath="&infomap_path";
NOTE: Libref HR_DATA was successfully assigned as follows:
      Engine:        INFOMAPS
      Physical Name: /Shared Data/Infomap Example