READBUFF= Data Set Option

Specifies the number of rows to hold in memory for input into SAS.
Valid in: DATA Step, LIBNAME Statement
Category: Data Set Control
Default: 1000



Required Argument

specifies the number of rows to hold in memory input into SAS.
Restriction:The value must be a positive integer.


Choosing the optimum value for the READBUFF= option requires a detailed knowledge of the data that is returned from the information map and of the environment in which the SAS session runs. Buffering data reads can decrease network activities and increase performance. However, higher values for the READBUFF= option use more memory. In addition, setting a high value for the READBUFF= option could yield stale data if the data source is updated frequently.

See Also

READBUFF= option in the LIBNAME statement for the Information Maps engine