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The INFOMAPS Procedure


Moves one or more data items to a new location.
MOVE DATAITEM "data-item-ID" | ID_LIST=("data-item-ID-1" <... "data-item-ID-n">)
NEW_LOCATION="new-folder-location" </CREATE>;

Required Arguments

"data-item-ID" | ID_LIST=("data-item-ID-1" <... "data-item-ID-n">)

specifies the data items to move. You can specify a single data item or you can use the ID_LIST= option to specify multiple data items.

Tip: The data items specified in the ID_LIST do not have to reside in the same folder.
NEW_LOCATION="new-folder-location" </CREATE>

specifies the new location for the folder.


specifies that the named folder or location is created automatically if it does not already exist.


/* Move the data item "Name" from the current folder */
/* to the "newFolder" folder. If the "newFolder" folder */ 
/* does not exist, then create it. */
move dataitem "Name" new_location="newFolder" /create;

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