Hints and Tips for Using the INFOMAPS Procedure or the Information Maps Engine |
To improve the performance of the INFOMAPS procedure, consider the following:
Use the COLUMN=, HIERARCHY=, or MEASURE= option instead of the EXPRESSION= option in the INSERT DATAITEM statement, unless you have a calculated data item. For more information about the INSERT DATAITEM statement and the COLUMN=, HIERARCHY=, and MEASURE= options, see INSERT DATAITEM Statement.
For an information map to use a table, the table must have a unique name in its SAS library (for a SAS table) or database schema (for a table from a different DBMS) in the metadata server. If multiple tables in a SAS library or database schema have the same name, then you must perform one of the following tasks before you can use any of the tables with an information map:
From either SAS Data Integration Studio or the Data Library Manager in SAS Management Console, you can rename a table by changing the value of the Name field in the General tab in the properties window for the table.
From SAS Data Integration Studio, delete the duplicate tables.
To prevent the Java Virtual Machine from running out of memory, break the task of creating an information map into smaller steps instead of using a single step. For example, if you are adding a large number of data items, add the first 100 in one PROC INFOMAPS step. Then add the next 100 in a second PROC INFOMAPS step. The number of items that can be added varies with the memory available to the Java Virtual Machine.
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