SAS Names and Support for DBMS Names

When the engine reads DBMS column names that contain characters that are not standard in SAS names, the default behavior is to replace an unsupported character with an underscore (_). For example, the DBMS column name Amount Budgeted$ becomes the SAS name Amount_Budgeted_.
Note: Nonstandard names include those with blank spaces or special characters (such as @, #, %) that are not allowed in SAS names.
When the engine encounters a DBMS name that exceeds 32 characters, it truncates the name. After it has modified or truncated a DBMS column name, SAS appends a number to the variable name, if necessary, to preserve uniqueness. For example, DBMS column names MY$DEPT, My$Dept, and my$dept become SAS names MY_DEPT, MY_Dept0, and my_dept1.