BL_OPTIONS= Data Set Option

Passes options to the DB2 bulk-load facility, affecting how it loads and processes data.

Valid in: DATA and PROC steps
Supports: DB2 under UNIX and PC


BL_OPTIONS= 'option<, option ...>'

Syntax Description


specifies an option from the available DB2 options.


BL_OPTIONS= enables you to pass options to the DB2 bulk-load facility when it is invoked, and it affects how data is loaded and processed. You must separate multiple options with commas and enclose the entire string of options in single quotation marks.
This option passes DB2 file type modifiers to DB2 LOAD or IMPORT commands to affect how data is loaded and processed. Not all DB2 file type modifiers are appropriate for all situations. You can specify one or more DB2 file type modifiers with .IXF files. For a list of file type modifiers, see the description of the LOAD and IMPORT utilities in the IBM DB2 Universal Database Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference.
This option must be specified using the BULKOPTS= container option. The BULKLOAD= data set option must be set to YES.
bulkload=yes; bulkopts=(bl_options 'errors 999, load=2000');