DBCOMMIT= LIBNAME Statement Option

Causes an automatic Commit (a permanent writing of data to the DBMS) after a specified number of rows have been processed.

Valid in: LIBNAME statement
Default: 1000 when inserting rows into a DBMS table; 0 when updating a DBMS table
Supports: DB2 under UNIX and PC, Greenplum, MySQL, ODBC, Oracle, Teradata



Syntax Description


is an integer greater than or equal to 0.


DBCOMMIT= affects update, delete, and insert processing. The number of rows that are processed includes rows that are not processed successfully. If you set DBCOMMIT=0, a commit is issued only once (after the procedure or DATA step completes).
If the DBCOMMIT= option is explicitly set, the engine fails any update that has a WHERE clause.
SAS data sets cannot be rolled back. Therefore, for SAS data sets, this option has no effect. However, if explicitly set, the engine still fails any update that has a WHERE clause even though the value that is specified has no effect.

See Also

To apply this option to an individual table, use the DBCOMMIT= data set option.