SASTRACELOC= System Option

Writes trace information to a specified location.

Valid in: OPTIONS statement, configuration file, SAS invocation
Default: stdout
Supports: All


Syntax Description


specifies to write the trace information to the default output location for your operating environment. This is the default setting.


specifies to write the trace information to the SAS log.

FILE 'path-and-filename'

specifies to write the trace information to an external file. You must enclose the external file specification in quotation marks.


SASTRACELOC= enables you to specify where to put the trace messages that are generated by SASTRACE=. By default, the output goes to the default output location for your operating environment. You can send the output to a SAS log by specifying SASTRACELOC=SASLOG.
Note: This option and its values might differ for each host.

Example: Specifying the SASTRACELOC= System Option

The following example on a PC platform writes the trace information to the TRACE.LOG file in the work directory on the C drive.
options sastrace=',,,d' sastraceloc=file 'c:\work\trace.log';