Access a SAS Data Set with a Fully-Specified Connection String

This example accesses a SAS data set by connecting to the DataFlux Federation Server and by submitting a fully-specified connection string. In the code, the following occurs:
  1. The LIBNAME statement assigns the libref LIB1 and specifies the FEDSVR engine and DataFlux Federation Server server connection arguments.
  2. The CONNECT_STRING= data source connection option provides a fully-specified connection string for a SAS data set, which includes specifying the BASE table driver and the location of the SAS library.
libname lib1 fedsvr server="" 
    port=2171 user="sasadm@saspw" pwd=1pwd 1
    schema=(name=tsbase; primarypath='c:\myfiles\base')"; 
The following output shows the results of the LIBNAME statement in the SAS log:
Example of a library assignment message from the log

7    libname lib1 fedsvr
8       server="" protocol=com
9        user="sasadm@saspw" pwd=XXXXXX
10       connect_string=XXXXXXXXXXXXX
12 ! XX;
NOTE: Libref LIB1 was successfully assigned as follows:
      Engine:        FEDSVR
      Physical Name: