For this option to work,
you must have appropriate privileges to the schema that is specified.
The values for SCHEMA=
are usually case-sensitive, so be careful when you specify this option.
Details: If PRESERVE_TAB_NAMES=NO, SAS converts
the SCHEMA= value to uppercase because all values in the Oracle data
dictionary are converted to uppercase unless quoted.
Details: If you omit this option, a libref points
to your default Teradata database, which often has the same name as
your user name. You can use this option to point to a different database.
This option enables you to view or modify a different user's DBMS
tables if you have the required Teradata privileges. (For example,
to read another user's tables, you must have the Teradata privilege
SELECT for that user's tables.) The Teradata interface alias for SCHEMA=
is DATABASE=. For more information about changing the default database,
see the DATABASE statement in your Teradata documentation.