Ext Demo Node

Ext Demo Node Icon

Overview of the Ext Demo Node

The Ext Demo node is on the Utility tab of the SAS Enterprise Miner tools bar. The Ext Demo node is designed to illustrate the various property types that can be implemented in SAS Enterprise Miner extension nodes. The properties of a SAS Enterprise Miner node enable users to pass arguments to the node's underlying SAS program. By choosing an appropriate property type, an extension node developer can control how information about the node's arguments are presented to the user and place restrictions on the values of the arguments. The Ext Demo node's results also provides examples of the various types of graphs that can be generated by an extension node using the %EM_REPORT macro.

Ext Demo Node Properties

Ext Demo Node General Properties

The following general properties are associated with the Ext Demo node:
  • Node ID — The Node ID property displays the ID that SAS Enterprise Miner assigns to a node in a process flow diagram. Node IDs are important when a process flow diagram contains two or more nodes of the same type. The first Ext Demo node added to a diagram will have a Node ID of EXT. The second Ext Demo node added to a diagram will have a Node ID of EXT2, and so on.
  • Imported Data — The Imported Data property accesses the Imported Data — Ext Demo window. The Imported Data — Ext Demo window contains a list of the ports that provide data sources to the Cluster node. Select the Ellipses Selector Button button to open a table of the imported data.
    If data exists for an imported data source, you can select the row in the imported data table and click one of the following buttons:
    • Browse to open a window where you can browse the data set.  
    • Explore to open the Explore window, where you can sample and plot the data.  
    • Properties to open the Properties window for the data source. The Properties window contains a Table tab and a Variables tab. The tabs contain summary information (metadata) about the table and variables.
  • Exported Data — accesses the Exported Data — Ext Demo window. The Exported Data — Ext Demo window contains a list of the output data ports that the Cluster node creates data for when it runs. Select the Ellipses Selector Button button to the right of the Exported Data property to open a table that lists the exported data sets.
    If data exists for an imported data source, you can select the row in the imported data table and click one of the following buttons:
    • Browse to open a window where you can browse the data set.  
    • Explore to open the Explore window, where you can sample and plot the data.  
    • Properties to open the Properties window for the data source. The Properties window contains a Table tab and a Variables tab. The tabs contain summary information (metadata) about the table and variables.
  • Notes — Select the Ellipses Selector Button button to the right of the Notes property to open a window that you can use to store notes of interest, such as data or configuration information.

Ext Demo Node Train Properties: Cell Editors

  • Boolean — an example of a Boolean Property element that enables the user to assign a value of Yes or No to the property.
  • String — an example of a String Property element that enables the user to assign a character string to the property by entering the string into a text box.
  • Choice List — an example of a String Property element that enables the user to assign a character string to the property by selecting a string from a predetermined choice list. The choice list is implemented using a ChoiceList control.
  • Integer — an example of an integer Property element that enables the user to assign an integer value to the property by entering the integer value into a text box. If a user types in a non-integer value, the property value is set to missing.
  • Integer with Range Control — an example of an integer Property element that enables the user to assign a restricted integer value to the property by entering the integer value into a text box. The range is determined by the min and max attributes of the Property element. If a user types in a value that is not an integer or falls outside of the permitted range, the property value reverts back to the property's last valid value.
  • Double — an example of a double Property element that enables the user to assign an unrestricted real number to the property by entering a real number value into a text box. If a user types in a non-numeric value the property's value is set to missing.
  • Double with Range Control — an example of a double Property element that enables the user to assign a restricted real number value to the property by entering a real number value into a text box. The range is determined by the min and max attributes of the Property element. If a user types in a value that is not a real number or falls outside of the permitted range, the property value reverts back to the property's last valid value.

Ext Demo Node Train Properties: Table Editors

  • Table Edit Create Control Example — an example of a String Property with a Table Editor Control that enables you to add or remove rows.
  • Table Editor Control Example — an example of a String Property with a Table Editor Control. This configuration enables the user to edit or display character or numeric columns.
  • Table Editor with Choices — an example of a String Property with a Table Editor Control and a ChoiceList Control. This configuration enables you to restrict the values of character columns to a predetermined list of values.
  • Table Editor with Dynamic Choices — an example of a String Property with a Table Editor Control and a DynamicChoiceList Control. This configuration enables you to restrict the values of character columns to values that are dynamically generated by the server.
  • Table Editor with Restricted Choices — an example of a String Property with a Table Editor Control and a DynamicChoiceList Control. This configuration enables you to restrict the values of character columns to values that are dynamically generated by the server. In this configuration, the Table Editor Control has an attribute that enables the choice lists to differ, depending on the value of another variable.
  • Ordering Editor — an example of a String Property with a Table Editor Control. In this example, the Table Editor Control has an additional isOrderingEditor attribute that distinguishes it from the basic Table Editor Control. This configuration enables the user to change the order of the rows for a table.
  • Variables — an example of a String Property element with a Dialog Control. This Property element configuration provides access to the variables exported by a predecessor Data Source node. It is common to all SAS distributed nodes.
  • SASTABLE Control — an example of a String Property element with a SASTABLE Control. When the user clicks on the Ellipses Selector Button icon a Select a SAS Table window is displayed and the user is permitted to select a SAS data set from the SAS libraries that are accessible by SAS Enterprise Miner.
  • Text Editor — an example of a String Property with a Dialog Control. A Property with this Control configuration enables the user to enter and modify plain text that is stored in an external file. An example of this property is the Notes property available on all nodes.
  • File Transfer — an example of a File Transfer Control. A property with this control configuration enables the user to download an external file and then execute it with the proper program. Execution is performed automatically by the operating system.
  • Directory Selector — an example of a Select Server Directory Control. A property with this control configuration enables the user to specify an external directory.
  • Model Selector — an example of a Model Selector Control that enables the user to select a registered model. When a model is selected using this type of Control, the score code, score input variables, score output variables, target variables, training table, and fit statistics that are associated with the model are saved in the diagram folder and are associated with the node.
  • Register Model — an example of a Model Registration Control that enables the user to and register a model.

Ext Demo Node Train Properties: Interaction Editor

  • Two-Factor — an example of a String Property with a Dialog Control. A Property with this Control configuration allows the user to specify a two-factor interaction. An interaction editor Control has two attributes that determine the maximum number of effects that are allowed and whether main effects are allowed. This example has the maximum number of effects set to 2 and main effects are not allowed.
  • Terms — an example of a String Property with a Dialog Control. A Property with this Control configuration allows the user to specify main effects and up to six-factor interactions. An interaction editor Control has two attributes that determine the maximum number of effects that are allowed and whether main effects are allowed. This example has the maximum number of effects set to 6 and main effects are allowed.

Ext Demo Node Status Properties

The following status properties are associated with this node:
  • Create Time — displays the time that the node was created.
  • Run ID — displays the identifier of the node run. A new identifier is created every time the node runs.
  • Last Error — displays the error message from the last run.
  • Last Status — displays the last reported status of the node.
  • Last Run Time  — displays the time at which the node was last run.
  • Run Duration — displays the length of time of the last node run.
  • Grid Host — displays the grid server that was used during the node run.
  • User-Added Node — specifies if the node was created by a user as a SAS Enterprise Miner extension node.

Ext Demo Node Results

You can open the Results window of the Ext Demo node by right-clicking the node and selecting Results from the pop-up menu. For general information about the Results window, see Using the Results Window in the SAS Enterprise Miner Help.
Select View from the main menu to view the following results in the Results Package:
  • Properties
    • Settings — displays a window with a read-only table of the configuration information in the Ext Demo Node Properties Panel. The information was captured when the node was last run.
    • Run Status — indicates the status of the Ext Demo node run. The Run Start Time, Run Duration, and information about whether the run completed successfully are displayed in this window.
    • Variables — a read-only table of variable meta information about the data set submitted to the Ext Demo node. The table includes columns to see the variable name, the variable role, the variable level, and the model used.
    • Train Code — the code that SAS Enterprise Miner used to train the node.
    • Notes — allows users to read or create notes of interest.
  • SAS Results
    • Log — the SAS log of the Ext Demo node run.
    • Output — the SAS output of the Ext Demo node run.
    • Flow Code — the SAS code used to produce the output that the Ext Demo node passes on to the next node in the process flow diagram.
  • Scoring
    • SAS Code — the Ext Demo node does not generate SAS Code. The SAS Code menu item is dimmed and unavailable in the Ext Demo Results window.
    • PMML Code — the Ext Demo node does not generate PMML code.
The Ext Demo node results also include a collection of charts that can be generated using the %EM_REPORT macro.
These include the following:
  • Bar Chart
    • Simple
    • Combo Choices
  • Histogram
    • Simple
    • Combo Choices
  • Line Plot
    • Simple
    • Overlay
    • Reference Lines
    • Combo Choices
    • Overlay Combo Choices
    • Two Y Axes
    • Two Y Axes Combo Choices
    • Line Band
    • Group
  • Scatter Plot
    • Simple
    • Overlay
    • Combo Choices
    • Overlay Combo Choices
    • Group
  • Pie
    • Simple
  • Lattice
    • Simple Bar
    • Bar Combo Choices
    • Simple Histogram
    • Histogram Combo Choices
    • Simple Line Plot
    • Line Plot Overlay
    • Line Plot Reference Lines
    • Line Plot Combo Choices
    • Pie
  • Box Plot
    • Grouped
  • 3–D Graphs
    • Scatter Plot
    • Bar
    • Surface
  • Data Specific
    • Dendrogram
    • Constellation: Link and Node Data
    • Constellation: Link Data
If you place an options mprint; statement in your project start code, the calls to %em_report are recorded in the Results log. You can also view the ExtDemo node's source code. It is stored in Sashelp.Emutil.Extdemo.source.