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Example Data Description

Example Data Description

The following table describes the variables that are used in this example.

Variables That Are Used in the Donor Data set
Variable Description
CARD_PROM_12 Number of card promotions received in the last 12 months
CLUSTER_CODE 54 socio-economic cluster codes
CONTROL_NUMBER The control number uniquely identifies each member of the analysis population
DONOR_AGE Age as of June 1997
DONOR_GENDER Actual or inferred gender
FILE_AVG_GIFT Average gift from raw data
FILE_CARD_GIFT Average card gift from raw data
FREQUENCY_STATUS-97NK Frequency status as of June 1997
HOME_OWNER H=Homeowner


INCOME_GROUP 7 income group levels
IN_HOUSE A final field identifies donors who are part of the organization's In House program
LAST_GIFT_AMT Amount of most recent donation
LIFETIME_AVG_GIFT_AMT Overall average gift amount
LIFETIME_CARD_PROM Total number of card promotions received
LIFETIME_GIFT_AMOUNT Total gift amount given
LIFETIME_GIFT_COUNT Total number donations given
LIFETIME_GIFT_RANGE Maximum less minimum gift amount
LIFETIME_MAX_GIFT_AMT Maximum gift amount
LIFETIME_MIN_GIFT_AMT Minimum gift amount
LIFETIME_PROM Total number of promotions received
MEDIAN_HOME_VALUE Median home value in $100's
MEDIAN_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME Median household income in $100's
MONTHS_SINCE_FIRST_GIFT First donation date from June 1997
MONTHS_SINCE_LAST_GIFT Last donation date from June 1997
MONTHS_SINCE_LAST_PROM_RESP Number of months since donor has responded to a promotion date from June 1997
MOR_HIT_RATE Total number of known times the donor has responded to a mail order offer other than the national charitable organization's.
NUMBER_PROM_12 Number of promotions received in the last 12 months



PCT_ATTRIBUTE1 Percent with attribute1 in the block
PCT_ATTRIBUTE2 Percent with attribute2 in the block
PCT_ATTRIBUTE3 Percent with attribute3 in the block
PCT_ATTRIBUTE4 Percent with attribute4 in the block
PCT_OWNER_OCCUPIED Percent of owner-occupied housing
PEP_STAR STAR-status ever (1=yes, 0=no)
PER_CAPITA_INCOME Per capita income in dollars
PUBLISHED_PHONE Indicator of presence of published telephone listing
RECENCY_STATUS_96NK Recency status as of June 1996
RECENT_AVG_CARD_GIFT_AMT Average gift amount to card promotions since June 1994
RECENT_AVG_GIFT_AMT Average gift amount since June 1994
RECENT_CARD_RESPONSE_COUNT Response count since June 1994
RECENT_CARD_RESPONSE_PROP Response proportion since June 1994
RECENT_RESPONSE_COUNT Response count since June 1994
RECENT_RESPONSE_PROP Response proportion since June 1994
RECENT_STAR_STATUS STAR (1,0) status since June 1994
SES 5 socio-economic cluster codes
TARGET_B Response to 97NK solicitation (1=yes, 0=no)
TARGET_D Response amount to 97NK solicitation (missing if no response)






WEALTH_RATING 10 wealth rating groups

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