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Sharing Models and Projects

Save and Import Diagrams in XML

Enterprise Miner process flow diagrams can be encapsulated as XML files and shared with other users. In the Project Navigator, open the Diagrams folder and right-click any diagram in order to create an XML wrapper for a process flow diagram, or to import a process flow diagram that was saved in XML format.

  1. Right-click the process flow diagram's folder from the Diagrams subfolder of the Project panel. Select Save As.

    [untitled graphic]

  2. Specify the folder where you want to save your process flow diagram, and type the name in the File name box. Click Save to store your diagram as an XML file.

    [Save Window]

  3. To import a diagram, from the main menu, select File  [arrow]  Import Diagram from XML, or, from the Project panel, right-click the Diagrams folder and select Import Diagram from XML.

    [Project Navigator Import Diagram from XML Popup Menu Item]

  4. Navigate to the location of the saved XML file and then click Open to import the diagram.

    Note:   After you open an imported process flow diagram in the diagram workspace, you will need to run the flow to generate results. If you import the diagram into a project where the data sources do not reside, you will also need to define these data sources.  [cautionend]

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